Worcester Chimney Sweeps
01905 345818mobile: 07890 225 071robert@worcesterchimneysweeps.co.uk Qualified-Rodtech Accredited Power Sweep |
Service:I can undertake a thorough and professional chimney sweep to most open solid fuel chimneys - your normal coal or log open fire. In addition I can also sweep the chimney or flue lining connected to a wood, coal or multi-fuel stove - commonly referred to as a log burner The chimney or flue will be swept with the correct type and size of brush, which will remove soot, tar and creosote deposits that accumulate in a chimney. When the brushes emerge from the top of the chimney you will also have the piece of mind that the flue way is clear. The removed soot will then be vacuumed using a commercial 4 stage vacuum the last being a HEPA filter. The Vacuum cleaner as a whole unit holds a filtration test certificate. All debris is then taken away. There will be no traces of soot or mess left behind in the room. About Me:
Requirements:The fire should not have been lit for at least 6 hours prior to my visit and the hearth should be empty and cleaned out. Log Burners should be left a little longer since last use as they tend to hold onto the heat more. Ornaments and any delicate items should be removed from the immediate area in preparation for my arrival. There should be clear access to the fireplace and space to work in front of the fire- usually at least a 6ft x 6ft cleared area. Useful Information:Vulcan Stove FanHere is a Stove Fan that I use on my own stove. It helps move the heat out into the room. It's also a wonderful piece of engineering as it uses a working sterling engine. It is very well made, it does cost a little more but looks built to last and it was my preference after seeing the other stove fans that work from an electronic pelter plate. I bought it from a company called gyroscope
Clean BurningHere is an example how a wood burner should look when burning correctly, the glass is clean, fire bricks clean and the gases from the logs are being burnt. The video is a little dull and in real life it is much brighter. The above links to a very useful web site concerning stoves & wood burners and multi fuel burners. The link points towards register plates, they close off your chimney opening only allowing the flue pipe from your stove through. Sweeping access (very important!!) is also built in if you are not lining your chimney.